Saddle points, ravines and local optimum

Saddle points, ravines and local optimum:

  • In the context of optimization, a saddle point is a critical point of a function where the slopes (gradients) of the function in different directions are zero, but some directions are minima and others are maxima. This means that a gradient descent algorithm may get stuck at the saddle point and fail to converge to the global optimum.
  • A ravine is a narrow valley in the optimization landscape where the gradients are steep and the optimization algorithm can converge quickly. However, ravines can also be problematic because they can lead to oscillations and slow convergence when the optimization algorithm overshoots the minimum.
  • A local optimum is a point in the optimization landscape where the function has the lowest value in a local neighborhood, but there may be other points that have lower values in other parts of the landscape. Optimization algorithms like gradient descent can converge to local optima instead of the global optimum, which can limit the performance of the model.


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